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第10万台,下线!一周双语 News share(1/01-1/07)

发布时间:2023-01-08 16:16      来源:新吴区人民政府      选择阅读字号:[ ]     

01、Nreal举办第10万台Nreal Air AR眼镜下线仪式

Nreal held line-off ceremony for 100,000th Nreal Air AR glasses

  Nreal held the line-off ceremony of the 100,000th Nreal Air AR glasses on Dec 30, 2022, which was the world's first consumer-grade AR glasses to exceed 100,000 units in mass production. With the launch in China, Japan, and the United States in 2022, Nreal shipped more than 70,000 units in the fourth quarter, indicating strong growth in the next few years.

  In March 2020, the Nreal Mixed Reality Headquarters Base project settled in WND, planning a carrier of over 20,000 square meters as a virtual reality glasses industrialization base and R&D innovation center.

  2022年12月30日,Nreal举办了第10万台Nreal Air AR眼镜下线仪式,是全球首个消费级AR眼镜突破10万台量产。2022年伴随着中国、日本、美国市场的发售,第四季度Nreal出货量超过7万台,预示消费级AR眼镜在未来几年将强劲增长。


相关阅读链接:Nreal举办第10万台Nreal Air AR眼镜下线仪式



WND improves people’s livelihood

  In the past year, WND's soft power of people's livelihood has been continuously enhanced, with high-quality educational resources, rich medical resources, convenient transportation, various cultural and sports activities, and an ever-improving ecological environment, which has increased residents’ sense of happiness in life. The disposable income of urban residents in WND has doubled in ten years, from 35,000 yuan ($5,082.41) to 69,000 yuan. In the future, WND will continue to create a better living environment for residents and improve their happiness.




03、全市首辆“移动医疗服务车” 亮相新吴区

Wuxi’s first mobile medical service vehicle shows up in WND

  Wuxi's first "mobile medical service vehicle" recently appeared in commercial plazas and residential areas in WND. The vehicle was upgraded from a mobile vaccination vehicle and is equipped with common medical equipment such as thermometers, blood pressure meters, blood glucose meters, and pulse oximeters, as well as therapeutic drugs such as antipyretic, cough, and antiviral drugs.

  Senior experts from the Wuxi Branch of Ruijin Hospital provided services such as the consultation and dispensing of medicines for patients with mild symptoms. In just 3 days, it has provided diagnosis and treatment services for 303 people in the district, eliminating the need to queue up at the fever clinics of medical institutions.

  全市首辆“移动医疗服务车” 亮相新吴区各商业广场和居民小区。据悉,现有的移动医疗服务车是在移动疫苗接种车的基础上进行了升级改造,车内增配了体温计、血压计、血糖仪、脉氧仪等常用医疗设备以及退热、止咳、抗病毒等治疗药物。瑞金医院无锡分院每日抽调资深专家随车坐诊现场为轻症患者提供问诊和配药等服务,短短3天,已为全区303人次提供诊治服务,免去居民到医疗机构发热门诊排长队就医问诊烦恼。




Pay a visit to bustling Meicun in winter

  Meicun neighborhood in WND is where you can enjoy the simplicities of life at Meili Ancient town, feel the vibrancy in the main streets and alleyways, experience the personal touch with nature in parks, and appreciate the folk music in cultural gardens. Pay a visit this winter to feel the reconciliation of the vestiges of antiquity and the realities of modern life.


